Migrating to version 2.x

Version 2.0 made some changes to the API for Tomcat Manager.

Status Codes

In version 1.x tomcatmanager.models.status_codes was an instance of AttrDict, a class from the attrdict library. This library has been sunset: on python 3.9 it generates warnings from deprecated usage of the standard library. It will break on python 3.10.

Most methods on TomcatManager return a TomcatManagerResponse. You should be using the TomcatManagerResponse.ok property to determine whether your command completed successfully. This method checks both the HTTP response code, as well as parsing the status text received from the Tomcat Manager web application. If your code does this, migrating to 2.x will be very easy, because you won’t have to change much of anything. The following code works in both 1.x and 2.x:

import tomcatmanager as tm
tomcat = tm.TomcatManager()
    r = tomcat.server_info()
    if r.ok:
        print('Error: {}'.format(r.status_message))
except Exception as err:
    # handle exception

If you are doing alternative checking like this:

import tomcatmanager as tm
tomcat = tm.TomcatManager()
    r = tomcat.server_info()
    if r.status_code == tm.status_codes.notfound:
        print("Tomcat Manager web application was not found")

you might consider this a good opportunity to update your code to check TomcatManagerResponse.ok instead. If that doesn’t work for you, then you’ll have to change it to be something like this:

import tomcatmanager as tm
tomcat = tm.TomcatManager()
    r = tomcat.server_info()
    if r.status_code == tm.StatusCode.NOTFOUND:
        print("Tomcat Manager web application was not found")

See StatusCode for the list of all available status codes.

Application State

In version 1.x, tomcatmanager.models.application_states was an instance of AttrDict, a class from the attrdict library. This library has been sunset: on python 3.9 it generates warnings from deprecated usage of the standard library. It will break on python 3.10.

The state attribute of the TomcatApplication class could be used like this:

import tomcatmanager as tm
tomcat = tm.TomcatManager()
r = tomcat.list()
if r.ok:
  running = filter(lambda app: app.state == tm.application_states.running, r.apps)

In version 2.x, tomcatmanager.models.application_states has been replaced with an enum called ApplicationState. The equivilent code in version 2.x is:

import tomcatmanager as tm
tomcat = tm.TomcatManager()
r = tomcat.list()
if r.ok:
    running = filter(lambda app: app.state == tm.ApplicationState.RUNNING, r.apps)

See ApplicationState for documentation on all the possible values.