Use from Python

Connect to the server

Before you can do anything useful, you need to create a TomcatManager object and connect to a server.

TomcatManager.connect(url: str, user: str = None, password: str = None) → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Connect to a Tomcat Manager server.

  • url – url where the Tomcat Manager web application is deployed
  • user – (optional) user to authenticate with
  • password – (optional) password to authenticate with

TomcatManagerResponse object

You don’t have to connect before using any other commands. If you initialized the object with credentials you can call any other method. The purpose of connect() is to:

  • give you a way to change the credentials on an existing object
  • provide a convenient mechanism to validate you can actually connect to the server
  • allow you to inspect the response so you can see why you can’t connect


>>> import tomcatmanager as tm
>>> url = 'http://localhost:8080/manager'
>>> user = 'ace'
>>> password = 'newenglandclamchowder'
>>> tomcat = tm.TomcatManager()
>>> try:
...     r = tomcat.connect(url, user, password)
...     if r.ok:
...         print('connected')
...     else:
...         print('not connected')
... except Exception as err:
...     # handle exception
...     print('not connected')
not connected

The only way to validate whether we are connected is to actually get a url. Internally this method tries to retrieve /manager/text/serverinfo.

Requesting url’s via http can raise all kinds of exceptions. For example, if you give a URL where no web server is listening, you’ll get a requests.connections.ConnectionError. However, this method won’t raise exceptions for everything. If the credentials are incorrect, you won’t get an exception unless you ask for it.

Requesting url’s via http can also result in redirection to another url. If that occurs, the new url, not the one you passed, will be stored in the url attribute.

You can also use is_connected() to check if you are connected.

If you want to raise more exceptions see TomcatManagerResponse.raise_for_status().

Responses from the server

All the methods of TomcatManager which interact with the server return a response in the form of a TomcatManagerResponse object. Use this object to check whether the command completed successfully, and to get any results generated by the command.

class tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse(response=None)

Returned as the response for TomcatManager commands.

After running a command, it’s a good idea to check and make sure that the command completed succesfully before relying on the results:

>>> import tomcatmanager as tm
>>> tomcat = getfixture('tomcat')
>>> try:
...     r = tomcat.server_info()
...     r.raise_for_status()
...     if r.ok:
...         print(r.server_info.os_name)
...     else:
...         print('Error: {}'.format(r.status_message))
... except Exception as err:
...     # handle exception
...     pass
Returns:True if the request completed with no errors.

For this property to return True:

  • The HTTP request must return a status code of 200 OK
  • The first line of the response from the Tomcat Server must begin with OK.

Raise exceptions for server errors.

First call requests.Response.raise_for_status() which raises exceptions if a 4xx or 5xx response is received from the server.

If that doesn’t raise anything, then raise a TomcatError if there is not an OK response from the first line of text back from the Tomcat Manager web app.


Status of the Tomcat Manager command from the first line of text.

The preferred way to check for success is to use the ok() method, because it checks for http errors as well as tomcat errors. However, if you want specific access to the status of the tomcat command, use this method.

There are three status codes:

  • OK
  • FAIL

tomcatmanager.status_codes is a dictionary which makes it easy to check status_code against known values. It also has attributes with friendly names, as shown here:

>>> import tomcatmanager as tm
>>> tomcat = getfixture('tomcat')
>>> r = tomcat.server_info()
>>> r.status_code == tm.status_codes.ok

The message on the first line of the response from the Tomcat Server.


The text of the response from the Tomcat server, without the first line (which contains the status code and message).


The server’s response to an HTTP request.

TomcatManager uses the excellent Requests package for HTTP communication. This property returns the requests.models.Response object which contains the server’s response to the HTTP request.

Of particular use is requests.models.Response.text which contains the content of the response in unicode. If you want raw access to the content returned by the Tomcat Server, this is where you can get it.

Deploying applications

There are three methods you can use to deploy applications to a Tomcat server.

TomcatManager.deploy_localwar(path: str, warfile: str, version: str = None, update: bool = False) → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Deploy a warfile on the local file system to the Tomcat server.

  • path – The path on the server to deploy this war to, i.e. /sampleapp
  • warfile – The path (specified using your local operating system convention) to a war file on the local file system. You can also pass a stream or file-like object. This will be sent to the server for deployment.
  • version – (optional) For tomcat parallel deployments, the version string to associate with this deployment
  • update – (optional) Whether to undeploy the existing path first (default False)

TomcatManagerResponse object


ValueError – if no path is specified; if no warfile is specified

TomcatManager.deploy_serverwar(path: str, warfile: str, version: str = None, update: bool = False) → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Deploy a warfile on the local file system to the Tomcat server.

  • path – The path on the server to deploy this war to, i.e. /sampleapp
  • warfile – The java-style path (use slashes not backslashes) to the war file on the server. Don’t include file: at the beginning.
  • version – (optional) For tomcat parallel deployments, the version string to associate with this deployment
  • update – (optional) Whether to undeploy the existing path first (default False)

TomcatManagerResponse object


ValueError – if no path is given; if no warfile is given

TomcatManager.deploy_servercontext(path: str, contextfile: str, warfile: str = None, version: str = None, update: bool = False) → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Deploy a Tomcat application defined by a context file.

  • path – The path on the server to deploy this war to, i.e. /sampleapp
  • contextfile – The java-style path (use slashes not backslashes) to the context file on the server. Don’t include file: at the beginning.
  • warfile – (optional) The java-style path (use slashes not backslashes) to the war file on the server. Don’t include file: at the beginning.
  • version – (optional) For tomcat parallel deployments, the version string to associate with this deployment
  • update – (optional) Whether to undeploy the existing path first (default False)

TomcatManagerResponse object


ValueError – if no path is given; if no contextfile is given

You can also undeploy applications. This removes the WAR file from the Tomcat server.

TomcatManager.undeploy(path: str, version: str = None) → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Undeploy the application at a given path.

  • path – The path of the application to undeploy
  • version – (optional) The version string of the app to undeploy

TomcatManagerResponse object


ValueError – if no path is specified

If the application was deployed with a version string, it must be specified in order to undeploy the application.

Other application commands

TomcatManager.start(path: str, version: str = None) → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Start the application at a given path.

  • path – The path of the application to start
  • version – (optional) The version string of the app to start

TomcatManagerResponse object


ValueError – if no path is specified

If the application was deployed with a version string, it must be specified in order to start the application.

TomcatManager.stop(path: str, version: str = None) → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Stop the application at a given path.

  • path – The path of the application to stop
  • version – (optional) The version string of the app to stop

TomcatManagerResponse object


ValueError – if no path is specified

If the application was deployed with a version string, it must be specified in order to stop the application.

TomcatManager.reload(path: str, version: str = None) → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Reload (stop and start) the application at a given path.

  • path – The path of the application to reload
  • version – (optional) The version string of the app to reload

TomcatManagerResponse object


ValueError – if no path is specified

If the application was deployed with a version string, it must be specified in order to reload the application.

TomcatManager.sessions(path: str, version: str = None) → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Get the age of the sessions in an application.

  • path – The path of the application to get session information about
  • version – (optional) The version string of the app to get session information about

TomcatManagerResponse object with the session summary in both the result attribute and the sessions attribute


ValueError – if no path is specified


>>> tomcat = getfixture('tomcat')
>>> r = tomcat.sessions('/manager')
>>> if r.ok:
...     session_data = r.sessions
TomcatManager.expire(path: str, version: str = None, idle: Any = None) → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Expire sessions idle for longer than idle minutes.

  • path – the path to the app on the server whose sessions you want to expire
  • idle – sessions idle for more than this number of minutes will be expired. Use idle=0 to expire all sessions.

TomcatManagerResponse with the session summary in the result attribute and in the sessions attribute


ValueError – if no path is specified


>>> tomcat = getfixture('tomcat')
>>> r = tomcat.expire('/manager', idle=15)
>>> if r.ok:
...     expiration_data = r.sessions
TomcatManager.list() → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Get a list of all applications currently installed.

Returns:TomcatManagerResponse object with an additional apps attribute which contains a list of TomcatApplication objects


>>> import tomcatmanager as tm
>>> tomcat = getfixture('tomcat')
>>> r = tomcat.list()
>>> if r.ok:
...     running = filter(lambda app: app.state == tm.application_states.running, r.apps)

Parallel Deployment

Tomcat supports a parallel deployment feature which allows multiple versions of the same WAR to be deployed simultaneously at the same URL. To utilize this feature, you need to deploy an application with a version string. The combination of path and version string uniquely identify the application:

>>> tomcat = getfixture('tomcat')
>>> safe_path = '/tomcat-manager-test-app'
>>> localwar_file = getfixture('localwar_file')
>>> with open(localwar_file, 'rb') as localwar_fileobj:
...     r = tomcat.deploy_localwar(safe_path, localwar_fileobj, version='42')
>>> r.ok
>>> with open(localwar_file, 'rb') as localwar_fileobj:
...     r = tomcat.deploy_localwar(safe_path, localwar_fileobj, version='43')
>>> r.ok

We now have two instances of the same application, deployed at the same location, but with different version strings. To do anything to either of those applications, you must supply both the path and the version string:

>>> r = tomcat.stop(path=safe_path, version='42')
>>> r.ok
>>> r = tomcat.undeploy(path=safe_path, version='42')
>>> r.ok
>>> r = tomcat.undeploy(path=safe_path, version='43')
>>> r.ok

The following methods include an optional version parameter to support parallel deployments:

Information about Tomcat

There are a number of methods which just return information about the Tomcat server. With the exception of find_leakers() (which triggers garbage collection), these methods don’t effect any change on the server.

TomcatManager.server_info() → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Get information about the Tomcat server.

Returns:TomcatManagerResponse object with an additional server_info attribute

The server_info attribute contains a ServerInfo object, which is a dictionary with some added properties for well-known values returned from the Tomcat server.


>>> tomcat = getfixture('tomcat')
>>> r = tomcat.server_info()
>>> if r.ok:
...     r.server_info['OS Name'] == r.server_info.os_name
TomcatManager.status_xml() → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Get server status information in XML format.

Returns:TomcatManagerResponse object with an additional status_xml attribute


>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
>>> tomcat = getfixture('tomcat')
>>> r = tomcat.status_xml()
>>> if r.ok:
...     root = ET.fromstring(r.status_xml)
...     mem = root.find('jvm/memory')
...     print('Free Memory = {}'.format(mem.attrib['free'])) 
Free Memory ...

Tomcat 8.0 doesn’t include application info in the XML, even though the docs say it does.

TomcatManager.vm_info() → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Get diagnostic information about the JVM.

Returns:TomcatManagerResponse object with an additional vm_info attribute
TomcatManager.ssl_connector_ciphers() → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Get SSL/TLS ciphers configured for each connector.

Returns:TomcatManagerResponse object with an additional ssl_connector_ciphers attribute
TomcatManager.thread_dump() → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Get a jvm thread dump.

Returns:TomcatManagerResponse object with an additional thread_dump attribute
TomcatManager.resources(type_: str = None) → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Get the global JNDI resources available for use in resource links for context config files

Parameters:type – (optional) Fully qualified java class name of the resource type you are interested in. For example, pass javax.sql.DataSource to acquire the names of all available JDBC data sources.
Returns:TomcatManagerResponse object with an additional resources attribute.


>>> tomcat = getfixture('tomcat')
>>> r = tomcat.resources()
>>> if r.ok:
...     print(r.resources)
{'UserDatabase': 'org.apache.catalina.users.MemoryUserDatabase'}

resources is a dictionary with the resource name as the key and the class name as the value.

TomcatManager.find_leakers() → tomcatmanager.models.TomcatManagerResponse

Get apps that leak memory.

Returns:TomcatManagerResponse object with an additional leakers attribute

The leakers attribute contains a list of paths of applications which leak memory.

This command triggers a full garbage collection on the server. Use with extreme caution on production systems.

Explicity triggering a full garbage collection from code is documented to be unreliable. Furthermore, depending on the jvm, there are options to disable explicit GC triggering, like `-XX:+DisableExplicitGC`. If you want to make sure this command triggered a full GC, you will have to verify using something like GC logging or JConsole.

The Tomcat Manager documentation says the server can return duplicates in this list if the app has been reloaded and was leaking both before and after the reload. The list returned by the leakers attribute will have no duplicates in it.


>>> tomcat = getfixture('tomcat')
>>> r = tomcat.find_leakers()
>>> if r.ok:
...     cnt = len(r.leakers)
... else:
...     cnt = 0